We have recognized that drug and alcohol abuse is an on-the-job problem as well as a social problem. We believe the abuse of alcohol and the use of illegal drugs endangers the health and safety of the abusers and of others around them.
Peninsula Trucking, Inc., Peninsula Logistics, Inc., & Peninsula Foliage, Inc. has committed to creating and maintaining a Drug-Free Workplace without jeopardizing the job security of valued but troubled employees, provided they are prepared to help us help them.
Our Drug-Free Workplace policy now formally states that substance abuse will not be tolerated ON or OFF the job for employees of our company. This prohibition includes the possession, use, or sale of illegal drugs and the abuse of alcohol. Company sponsored activities or other social events that we attend during which alcoholic beverages are served are not considered alcohol abuse just because alcohol was served.
To ensure that Peninsula Trucking, Inc., Peninsula Logistics, Inc., and Peninsula Foliage, Inc. becomes and remains a Drug-Free Workplace, a program of Drug Testing, and in accordance with Florida's Workers' Compensation Law, went into effect on October 1st, 2005.
Let it be clearly understood that it is a condition of employment for everyone that they avoid entirely the use, possession, sale or any association whatsoever with illegal drugs and/or the abuse of alcohol. Employees who are found on the job to be under the influence of illegal drugs or alcohol or who violate this policy in other ways may be terminated.
It is important that all of us work together to deal with substance abuse to make our company a safer and more rewarding place to work.